Thursday, May 24, 2007

School is out!

Yeah! We are so glad that today was the last day of school!!! We did our annual breakfast today. Hayley and some of her friends spend the night and we get up and go eat IHOP before school. I don't think they thought this year through very well. Most of them barely eat breakfast, so after eating those HUGE breakfasts...they were pretty miserable. It was kind of funny. Of course the mom in me kicked and we started talking about the importance of breakfast...they didn't really listen! haha! Unfortunately, I still have to go half a day tomorrow, but the kids get to sleep in. Tomorrow is Hayley's birthday. I can't believe one year from now, she will be driving by herself! Unbelievable how time flies! Jake turned 12 on the 15th. He will be in 7th grade next year. Very excited. Carson will be starting Kindergarten soon and Grace will be so lonely at home. Actually she will probably enjoy not fighting over toys with her brother. I'll write more later. Kind of tired tonight.

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